Celebrating Uniqueness: Embracing Iris Apfel's Style in the Workplace

On International Women's Day, it's fitting to reflect on the remarkable life of inspirational women before us, and due to her recent passing, the legacy of Iris Apfel.  Known for her fearless self-expression and vibrant personality, Apfel's influence extends far beyond the fashion world. In her unique style, I find valuable lessons for leadership and team dynamics in the workplace. 

1. Authentic Connections: 

Just as Iris Apfel connected with people from all walks of life, managers can cultivate genuine connections within their teams. Simply being approachable and taking the time to understand each team member's perspective fosters a culture of trust and collaboration. When individuals feel seen and valued, they're more likely to contribute their best work. 

2. Purpose-Driven Leadership: 

Apfel's unwavering commitment to her passion and vision serves as a model for purpose-driven leadership. Managers can emulate this by communicating their own passions, strengths, and talents. When leaders align their approach with personal values, it inspires teams to do the same. Encouraging employees to connect their work to a larger purpose fosters motivation and engagement.

3. Infusing Joy: 

Known for her infectious enthusiasm and zest for life, Iris Apfel brought joy wherever she went. Leaders can similarly cultivate a culture of joy and creativity within their teams. By encouraging open conversations, group catch-ups, and genuine interest in each other's lives, managers create a supportive environment where authenticity thrives. Infusing a sense of fun and light-heartedness into the workplace not only boosts morale but also fosters innovation and collaboration. 

As we celebrate International Women's Day, it's fitting to honor such an inspiration and legacy. Let's embrace her principles of authenticity, individuality, and joy in the workplace. By creating an environment where every voice is valued and every individual is empowered to shine, we can build teams that are not only successful but also deeply fulfilling. Just as Iris Apfel inspired countless individuals to embrace their uniqueness, let us continue to inspire and uplift each other in our professional journeys.

Celebrating Uniqueness: Embracing Iris Apfel's Style in the Workplace