Gallup Clifton Strengths Coaching

“The first time I sat in Gallup Strengths coaching training, I felt everything I had understood and experienced for years as a people manager was confirmed. Aligning and working with team strengths, and focusing on what your team can do brings results. This was a system I could use in my business."

Nina Clifton Strengths profiling is a tool to identify the top 5-10 strengths & talents
which are a working preference, we can also identify the team matrix. A proven
and effective coaching tool, some benefits are listed below.

Leadership Development
Support your leaders to communicate what your organisation does, the impact their communication has and where their teams fit into the process. Build a organisational practice where leaders know how to give their teams the space and the tools to grow. Help your leaders discover their natural talents through 360 feedback, leadership competencies, executive coaching and leadership workshops.

Team Training
  • Bring your team members together to reach organisational goals they are more likely to achieve it.
  • Know your team member's strengths & talents, understand what they are capable of and support them to achieve their goals.
  • Get a comprehensive understanding of why they do what they do, what motivates them or when they're at their best.
  • The Gallup role-specific CliftonStrengths reports are just one way you can help your team members use their strengths to succeed.

Employee Development
Individuals who know their strengths work together to form better partnerships, and more thoughtful partnerships create stronger teams. (1) Help each employee answer the question, "Who am I?" and discover what they do best -- because when an employee uses their strengths every day, they are six times more likely to be engaged in their job. Engaged employees are happier employees, and happier employees are better for your business (1).

Manager Onboarding and Development
Managers make or break an organization's success (1). Invest in your managers from on boarding to build a culture of success. Managers account for at least 70% of the variance in employee engagement, which means that the health of an organization depends on the manager and their ability to communicate effectively with their employees, have helpful performance conversations, develop their employees and achieve team goals (1).

Culture Transformation
Imagine a culture where each person gets to do what they do best. When an employee knows their strengths, as well as the strengths of their partners, it leads to higher engagement and performance. Focus on your employees if you want to transform your culture.

(1)GALLUP(2022.08.30)Theworkplaceplatformwherebusinessgrowswhenpeopledo retrieved from

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Gallup Clifton Strengths Coaching