How do Inclusive Workplaces Drive Profitability and Success?

An inclusive workplace not only fosters trust internally, but has the power to influence business results, helping businesses capture new markets and retain existing clients. At A Perfect Plan, my objective is to collaborate with our clients on the relationship between employers and employees, whether it’s a corporation, business or practice. Research has shown that when employees feel trusted, included and purposeful, their employers see improved business results, leading to enhanced distribution.

The Impact of Inclusion on Team Dynamics

According to Gallup, individuals who feel included reported being treated with respect. They feel valued and confident to share their ideas. On a team level, those in the Gallup research reported higher levels of trust with their peers. They are willing to go beyond the expectations of their role and offer creative solutions.

What is Inclusion?

Inclusion in the workplace involves leveraging diversity within a team and providing support to enhance that diversity.

How to Build an Inclusive Workplace?

Offering the right remuneration and reward

Have you ever experienced the disappointment of eagerly anticipating a Christmas gift only to open something completely different? Or perhaps you received an online order that didn't live up to the quality advertised in the post?

It can be disheartening to receive the opposite of what you were looking forward to as a reward. The type of reward that appeals to one employee may not necessarily appeal to another. Understanding what each staff member values and how they prefer to be recognised or rewarded is important.

By recognising and rewarding employees in ways that resonate with them individually, employees will feel seen, heard, and feel appreciated.

Understanding individual working styles and preferences

As a leader, it's important to recognise and utilise the unique potential of each team member. This can only be achieved by understanding their individual strengths, values, work styles, and preferences. It's crucial to remember that your values, desire for recognition, and working methods may not align with those of your team members.

By embracing and acknowledging the diverse thinking styles, personalities, and work approaches within your team, you can tap into the full potential of your employees. Creating an inclusive environment makes every team member feel valued and empowered to contribute their unique strengths. Ultimately, the entire organisation will benefit from various perspectives, experiences, and values that bring fresh ideas, creativity, varied innovation and original thought to the table.

According to Myers Briggs research, the positive business outcomes from encouraging diversity and inclusivity far outweigh the investment:
  • 70% greater growth
  • 36% better profitability
  • 87% better decisions
  • 19% better innovation

The Role of Inclusive Leadership

Research suggests that inclusive workplaces start with leadership. According to Gallup, up to 70% of the team and wider workplace dynamics are influenced by the manager’s inclusive leadership style. Therefore, leaders play a vital role in establishing and nurturing an inclusive environment. According to Myers-Briggs, inclusive leadership involves core competencies such as humility, curiosity, openness to differences, leveraging diversity, empathy, courage, flexibility and self-awareness.

As a leader, how can you effectively manage your team and ensure maximum productivity without any guesswork?

Establishing and Building an Inclusive Workplace

  1. Setting the tone: senior leaders should set the tone, agenda and cultural norms of the workplace by demonstrating inclusivity through their actions. It goes beyond writing a mission and vision statement; leaders must make inclusivity tangible and incorporate it into development plans at all leadership levels.
  2. Frontline leadership influence: frontline leaders have a direct impact on the daily inclusiveness of the workplace. Their behaviours and actions are influenced by their superiors. So, if leaders demonstrate inclusion, others will follow suit.
  3. Cultivating inclusive leadership: organisations should invest in developing inclusive leaders across all levels of leadership. Training programs and leadership coaching sessions can help leaders understand the significance of inclusive leadership and equip them with the necessary skills to create a diverse and inclusive work environment.

It is important to realise that leaders have the power to both motivate and demotivate their team. Therefore, knowing how to manage diversity and inclusivity in the workplace effectively is essential. For instance, when dealing with a team of many individuals, it is important to recognise and accommodate their unique needs.

To achieve inclusivity, managers can follow these steps:
  1. Regularly update and document development plans.
  2. Understand your staff using tools that uncover their working styles, decision-making processes, values, experiences, and aspirations.
  3. Schedule regular feedback sessions for both the team and individuals.

Creating an inclusive workplace requires intentional efforts, starting with leadership. However, many leaders worry about the time and effort required to embed the culture of inclusivity. However, the cost of failure to create an inclusive workplace environment often results in missed business opportunities and loss of talent and clients. The quickest and most efficient way to address this is to outsource leadership training and staff development to experts to effectively manage staff development in an inclusive manner.

Ready to witness the transformation that inclusivity will bring to your organisation? As a Gallup-certified leadership and development coach specialising in fostering inclusive workplaces, I can guide your team on this journey. Together, we can develop strategies to build trust, embrace diversity and empower your teams to thrive. Contact me today to take the first step towards creating an inclusive workplace where your employees thrive.

How do Inclusive Workplaces Drive Profitability and Success?