Have you ever waited with anticipation for the Christmas gift you were waiting for to open something entirely different, or received an online order that was nothing like the quality on the post? It’s the disappointment of getting the opposite of what would feel like a reward.
A reward to one employee might be completely different from another. It’s a matter of understanding what and how your staff might like to be recognised or rewarded.
Understanding how your team members work best is to understand individual strengths, values work styles, and preferences.
What leaders need to understand is what they want to be appreciated or recognized for, May not be the same as the people they are leading.
Acknowledging different ways people think, personality preferences, and different ways people work is to benefit from the diversity in your team. Different ideas, creativity, and original thought people can offer bring much more to the organisation. In an inclusive environment team members feel enabled to bring their unique contribution to their role, and the organisation benefits from;
1. Senior Leaders, set tone, agenda, and cultural norms around what inclusiveness looks like, it is not as simple as writing a vision or statement, it has to be what leaders demonstrate and be tangible.
Inclusive leadership needs to be included in development plans at all levels of leadership, to include what inclusion looks like and why is it important.
Front-line leaders have the day-to-day influence on how inclusive the environment is, but they take their cues from their leader. If a leader demonstrates inclusion, others will demonstrate it.
1. Humility
2. Curiosity - wanting to know more, remaining open to different ideas,
3. Openness - Open to difference
4. Leveraging Differences
5. Empathy – desire and intent to understand where people are coming from
6. Courage
7. Flexibility
8. Self Awareness
It is important to understand that while Leaders can motivate, they can also demotivate, and the latter may not be intentional. This is why it is critical to understand how to manage diversity and inclusiveness. For example, a team with four different members might want to be recognized differently, and does a manager best achieve inclusion?
1. Development Plans, regularly updated and documented
2. Know your staff : Include a tool to uncover staff working styles, decision processes, values and experiences, and aspirations
3. Have regularly scheduled feedback sessions for both team and individual.
Leaders influence behaviours around inclusion, when having this conversation, most leaders are concerned about the effort or time that might be required to build a high level of understanding and therefore, inclusiveness. The risk of not building an inclusive environment is losing potential business opportunities, and not retaining talent and clients.
It can be of value, and wise for organisations to recognize the value of outsourcing a service to train leaders, or work with leaders regularly to manage the staff development and inclusive process.