Why I'm the right coach for you

What I bring to you today is extensive experience, knowledge and a sincere desire to help you achieve your personal or professional desires. I started coaching during my corporate career, in 1999 as a financial planner I was nominated Planner of the year by St George bank.

While I am a fully qualified Financial Planner, during that career, I feel I operated as a Financial Coach; money is very connected to emotion, background and personal experience and indeed I have found people have financial personalities. For example, there are partnerships ( you may be in one!) where the other person wants to spend all disposable income and the other wants to invest as much as possible, in this case, my role is to find a meeting point that works for both people and doesn’t feel like a compromise.

You get to live this life once… and compromise will just feel like that… a life of compromise. As humans, we like pleasure more than pain, and we are not meant to live in pain!
I followed this philosophy when I moved to management and managed teams of Financial Planners, and later as a coach within a reputable corporate academy. We all have strengths and perform at our best when we play to our strengths.

Individuals perform best, teams perform best and organisations large and small perform best. My pride in employed roles has been in putting together development plans that serve both the individual and the organization, and the success is exceptional.
I have 20 years of experience to contribute, lifelong learning is something I value, so I’ve coached, trained and mentored for over twenty years and extended my training regularly. I have studied a Masters in Management, Graduate Certificate in Human Resources, NLP and Coaching to add to a degree in marketing and Advanced Diploma in Financial Services and I continue to study so I can contribute best.

While I’m goal-oriented I also consider values when coaching so you are aligned with your beliefs and not achieving for achievement's sake. 

I support both individuals and corporate teams plan, execute and achieve. 

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Why I'm the right coach for you